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  Sujet: Paolo Seganti dans/in As The World Turns

Réponses: 5
Vus: 15866

MessageForum: Paolo Seganti   Posté le: 05 Juin 2006 09:35 pm   Sujet: Paolo Seganti dans/in As The World Turns
here a map with all the atwt/damian photo,s i could find so far
  Sujet: Paolo Seganti dans/in As The World Turns

Réponses: 5
Vus: 15866

MessageForum: Paolo Seganti   Posté le: 05 Juin 2006 09:30 pm   Sujet: Paolo Seganti dans/in As The World Turns
i,m so glad paolo is back in atwt,
that,s the tv show i saw him the first time and was hooked on him ever since
  Sujet: Nouvelles - News

Réponses: 16
Vus: 50763

MessageForum: Paolo Seganti   Posté le: 28 Mai 2006 11:45 am   Sujet: Nouvelles - News
since last thursday paolo is back on atwt as damian.he looked just fine
glad to have him back on tv
  Sujet: Nouvelles - News

Réponses: 16
Vus: 50763

MessageForum: Paolo Seganti   Posté le: 07 Avr 2006 06:06 pm   Sujet: Nouvelles - News
yes he was married to lilly and the both have a son.called luke
when he last came back he kidnapped luke.but at last luke wanted to stay with lilly and holden
  Sujet: Nouvelles - News

Réponses: 16
Vus: 50763

MessageForum: Paolo Seganti   Posté le: 06 Avr 2006 06:21 pm   Sujet: Nouvelles - News
Damian is back! »

Paolo Seganti is returning as ATWT's Damian in May, not long after Luke comes out.

Paolo Seganti returns to Oakdale and the role of "Damian Grimaldi" which he originated in 1993. Look for Damian to stir up trouble for Lily and Holden. Seganti will hit Oakdale in late May.

here the link off the site
  Sujet: Salut ! - Hello !

Réponses: 20
Vus: 54810

MessageForum: Discussions Générales / General Discussions   Posté le: 06 Avr 2006 03:45 pm   Sujet: Salut ! - Hello !
hello and thanx for the welcome
and yes i saw largo winch on tv
i just loved that show
have lots off espisode,s on video
still looking for them all on dvd
so far only found the pilot off largo winch
  Sujet: Meeting your favorite actor

Réponses: 7
Vus: 52538

MessageForum: Bunker   Posté le: 06 Avr 2006 01:18 pm   Sujet: Meeting your favorite actor
i would love to meet paolo
but what would i say
he,s my fave actor for so long
  Sujet: Votre photo préférée - Your favorite picture

Réponses: 1
Vus: 8523

MessageForum: Paolo Seganti   Posté le: 06 Avr 2006 01:15 pm   Sujet: Votre photo préférée - Your favorite picture
here some off my fave photo,s

  Sujet: Nouvelles - News

Réponses: 16
Vus: 50763

MessageForum: Paolo Seganti   Posté le: 06 Avr 2006 01:06 pm   Sujet: Nouvelles - News
paolo will coming back to atwt
filming starts april/may
and it can be for 3 months ore longer it depends
  Sujet: Salut ! - Hello !

Réponses: 20
Vus: 54810

MessageForum: Discussions Générales / General Discussions   Posté le: 06 Avr 2006 11:25 am   Sujet: Salut ! - Hello !
hello i,m madfordamian
from the netherlands
love paolo since i saw him in the serie ass the world turns.
always looking for a new friend to chat with
i,m living on my ownd and work 32 hours a week
  Sujet: penpals and clippingtrade forum

Réponses: 0
Vus: 6039

MessageForum: Sites CooL / CooL Websites   Posté le: 06 Avr 2006 11:24 am   Sujet: penpals and clippingtrade forum

where you can find a new friend,and maybe find a trader to trade with
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From the Largo Winch TV series, adaptated from the comics by J. Van Hamme and P. Francq © Dupuis Films/M6/TVA/AT, 2002
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