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### fanfiction ###
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MessagePosté le: 16 Mai 2004 07:44 am    Sujet du message: fanfiction Répondre en citant

please help me - were can i read this series fanfiction/??
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
Messages: 3181
Localisation: Partout / Everywhere
MessagePosté le: 16 Mai 2004 06:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Just go in the fan fiction section on this forum or you can also find some on some english web sites like the
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From the Largo Winch TV series, adaptated from the comics by J. Van Hamme and P. Francq © Dupuis Films/M6/TVA/AT, 2002
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