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### How to register ###
Auteur Message
Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
Messages: 3181
Localisation: Partout / Everywhere
MessagePosté le: 16 Juil 2003 12:52 pm    Sujet du message: How to register Répondre en citant

This message is for the visitors who do not understand french. I know you can guess how to register but just in case you don't i have translated the procedure for you here:

If you need some help or have trouble to register, please contact the administrator at [email protected]

First, press on the icon: Inscription on top of your screen (the 10th icon)

On the next page you will see, press on: J'accepte le règlement, it means you agree with the rules (generally same rules as other forums)

The next page you see:

(You are obliged to fill these boxes) :

Nom d'utilisateur: your name or pseudo
Adresse e-mail : your e-mail address
Mot de passe: your password
Confirmer le mot de passe: confirm your password

Validation: Copy the letters you see in the box

Profil: (You are not obliged to fill those sections)

ICQ number - AIM address - MSN Messenger - Yahoo Messenger

Site web: the address of your web site if you have one

Localisation: where you come from

Emploi: your job

Genre: gender: non specified, male, female

Signature: what you want to see at the end of each message you post, up to 255 characters


Always show your e-mail address, yes or no
Always inform me of the answers to my posts, yes or no
Inform me of my new private messages, yes or no
Always attach my signature to my posts, yes or no

Langues du Forum: Forum language (choose english to be able to see the FAQ in english)

When you are done, you press on: Envoyer

To activate your account go to your e-mail address and follow the instructions.

To connect: Press on the connexion icon, then type in your pseudo or name you chose, than the password and press on: connexion

You can now put an avatar of your choice with by pressing on the Profil icon, read the Avatar post if you need some help.
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From the Largo Winch TV series, adaptated from the comics by J. Van Hamme and P. Francq © Dupuis Films/M6/TVA/AT, 2002
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