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Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
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MessagePosté le: 24 Mai 2003 01:26 pm    Sujet du message: Nouvelles - News Répondre en citant

Postez ici des nouvelles sur l'actrice Sydney Penny.

Please post here news on the actress Sydney Penny.
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MessagePosté le: 13 Juin 2003 12:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Information postée par Grae Leigh, co-webmistress du dans les yahoogroups de Largo Winch et de Sydneysheaven.

Sydney Penny a signé avec le show "The Bold and the Beautiful." et fera sa première apparition le 11 août 2003 dans le rôle de Ridge.

Information posted by Grae Leigh, co-webmistress of in the Largo Winch and Sydneysheaven yahoogroups.

Sydney Penny signed up with soap show The Bold and the
Beautiful and will do her first appearance on August 11th, 2003 in the role of Ridge.
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MessagePosté le: 31 Juil 2003 02:04 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Traduction de l'article au / French translation of the article at:

Sydney Penny est la femme avec le Pucci dans le téléroman The Bold and the Beautiful.

Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) devra lutter avec une compétitrice tenace pour l'amour de sa vie Ridge Forrester (Ronn Moss).
Samantha Kelly --- une amie d'enfance de Ridge, --- arrivera dans le comté de Forrester pour un épisode qui sera diffusé le 12 août. La vétéran Sydney Penny (ex-Julia, AMC, ex-B.J., Santa Barbara) jouera le rôle de l'ensorcelante désigner intérieure Samantha, qui s'arrête pour visiter Ridge et la famille Forrester à Los Angeles. Samantha n'est pas seulement chic et magnifique, mais elle possède l'accessoire ultime --- un adorable Poméranien qu'elle appelle Pucci ! Sydney Penny nous parle de son dernier rôle, de sa réunion surprise avec son ex-amoureux à l'écran, Keith Hamilton Cobb, qui est juste de l'autre côté du couloir chez Young and Restless et des comptes avec ses connections passées avec les acteurs de The Bold and the Beautiful et les acteurs des rôles précédents.

Que savez vous du rôle de Samantha Kelly ?

- Je sais qu'elle est une designer intérieure, très connue. Elle est une ancienne amie de Ridge depuis son enfance et qu'elle connait toute la famille. Elle se trouve en ville par hasard pour son travail et veut s'arrêter pour dire leur dire bonjour et ensuite elle renouvelle le contact. Naturellement elle rencontre tout les autres. Elle est pleine de vie et d'énergie, très positive et très active et une bonne fille, pour l'instant, alors je vais avec ca.

Comment le rôle s'est présenté ?

- Je pense que c'est un rôle que Bradley a filtré dans son esprit et nous venons d'avoir une rencontre, pour se connaître l'un et l'autre. Après toutes ces années que j'ai été dans les téléromans (soaps), je ne l'avais jamais rencontré, ce qui était un peu bizarre. Nous avons eu de bons moments à parler de nos différentes expériences et de ce que j'avais fait dans mes rôles précédents dans les shows et des gens que nous connaissions. J'ai travaillé avec Winsor (Harmon, Thorne) et Jennifer Finnigan (Bridget), elle a participé dans un épisode de Largo Winch. Jack Wagner (Nick) était mon mari dans Santa Barbara. Un de nos directeurs Deveney (Kelly) est un voisin. Ce que j'aime vraiment des téléromans (soaps) que vous ne trouvez nulle part ailleurs, c'est le sens de la communauté, de la famille et la stabilité. Après une décénie de vivre dans des villes différentes et de voyager tout le temps et de ne jamais être à la maison, c'est vraiment un changement agréable.

Avez-vous aussi travaillé avec Lesley-Anne Down (Jackie) de Sunset Beach ?

- Vous savez, je pense qu'on est passé dans les couloirs, mais je ne pense pas qu'on a déjà travaillé ensemble, mais Sean Kanan (Deacon), je le connaissait de Sunset Beach.

J'ai remarqué que votre ex-amoureux à l'écran de All My Children, Keith Hamilton Cobb (Damon, Y&R) viens juste d'entrer le studio de photo en passant pour te visiter.

Je sais, c'était vraiment drôle, parce que je ne savais pas qu'il faisait Young and Restless. C'était la première fois que je le voyais.

Avez-vous gardé contact l'un avec l'autre à travers les années depuis que vous avez quitté All My Children ?

- Juste un peu. Il faisait Andromeda à Vancouver pendant que je faisait Largo, à Montréal et puis j'étais aussi à Paris, alors c'est jamais facile de rester en contact avec les gens. Dieu merci pour les e-mail et les téléphones cellulaires. Je l'ai vu l'été passé et il avait encore les cheveux longs, alors c'est la première fois que j'ai vu sa coupe et je l'aime !

Comment le format d'une demi-heure de The Bold and the Beautiful fonctionne pour vous ?

L'horaire est très différent, c'est très vite. Vous avez, disons 3 ou 4 scènes par épisode plutôt que 6. Tout est à la base coupé en deux. La fin d'une journée de travail sur un show d'une heure, spécialement comme All My Children, ce qui est un show très intensif sur les dialogues, à la fin de 5 jours j'ai réalisé que j'avais fait 150 pages de dialogue. Jusqu'à présent ca été un peu différent, même si nous ferons plus d'un show par jour, alors vous pouvez avoir une journée vraiment chargée et après vous ne travaillez pas pour une couple (de jours). Nous faisons 6 épisodes en 5 jours.

Pensez vous que ce format vous donne plus une chance de répéter et de digérer le matériel ?

- Je sens que c'est à une vitesse beaucoup plus humaine. Maintenant, de cette perspective, je ne peut imaginer comment nous avons pu faire une heure par jour. Il n'y a aucun moyen possible de vraiment sentir que vous avez digéré le matériel, que vous êtes prêt à aller et imaginer que l'équipe technique est là tout les jours, c'est épuisant.

(photo de Sydney sur le site mentionné au début)

Dans les termes du rôle de Samantha, avez vous eu des ressources (? input) dans le rôle ou dans la collaboration avec Bradley Bell ?

Non, pas du tout. En effet nous avons eu cette réunion et ensuite je partais en vacances. Je suis allé en France pour 2 semaines, je suis revenue et j'ai ramassé mes scripts et je suis venue travailler pendant la fin de semaine, seulement 3 jours plus tard. Je me suis mise dans ses mains. J'imagine qu'il s'est chargé de ceci parfaitement bien par lui-même, il n'avait pas vraiment besoin de ressources (? input) de ma part. Naturellement les rôles évoluent quand ils voient ce que vous apportez, alors nous verrons ce qu'il aura de quoi que je fasse.

Étiez-vous une fan de The Bold and Beautiful ?

Eh bien, je les connaissait seulement de réputation. Je suppose que je connais tout les shows après tout ces 3 ans dans les téléromans, mais pas intensément. Alors ces derniers jours je me suis dit: "Ok, alors Ridge et Eric et Stephanie et Thorne sont apparenté comment et le petit Eric n'est pas...quoi ?" Bien sûr, avoir été une vieille amie de la famille, il doit y avoir plein de chose dont je devrais savoir, alors ma première journée était vraiment une journée très intense. Alors vous n'apprenez pas seulement le nom du rôle de chacun mais aussi leur vrai nom pour la première fois. Alors c'est de l'information en double.
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Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
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MessagePosté le: 02 Aoû 2003 02:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sur le site il est question du 11 août 2003 pour la première de Sydney dans The Bold and the Beautiful.

On the web site they announce that Sydney Penny premieres on The Bold and the Beautiful on August 11th.
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MessagePosté le: 20 Sep 2003 02:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bon, si vous voulez voir les images les plus récentes de Sydney, je vous suggère la section Bold & Beautiful, c'est le téléroman où elle joue présentement...

Sydney, 17 septembre 2003

Now, if you want to see the latest images of Sydney, i suggest you go and check out the Bold & Beautiful section. It's the latest soap she is playing in right now...
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MessagePosté le: 03 Juil 2004 12:11 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le téléroman The Bold and the Beautiful viens de changer son intro ainsi que son logo. L'ancien y était depuis le 23 mars 1987. Voici la nouvelle image de Sydney qui figure dans l'intro:

The television soap The Bold and the Beautiful has just changed its intro and its logo. The old one was there since March 23rd, 1987. Here is the new image of Sydney that is in the intro:

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MessagePosté le: 14 Juin 2005 03:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sydney Penny va retourner jouer son rôle dans le téléroman All My Children au mois de juillet 2005.

Sydney Penny will return to play her role in the All My Children tv soap in July 2005.
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MessagePosté le: 24 Sep 2005 12:03 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sydney Penny sera l'une des plus de 30 acteurs et actrices de All My Children, One Life To Live and General Hospital au 10ième anniversaire de diamant de ABC Super Soap Weekend présenté par Colgate® Total® au Walt Disney World® Resort en Florida, les 12 et 13 novembre, 2005.

Sydney Penny will be one of more than 30 actors and actresses from All My Children, One Life To Live and General Hospital at the 10th Diamond Anniversary ABC Super Soap Weekend presented by Colgate® Total® at the Walt Disney World® Resort in Florida, November 12-13, 2005.
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MessagePosté le: 01 Oct 2005 06:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Message posté dans le yahoogroup de Sydney Penny au

Écrire pour montrer notre support envers Sydney est la clé !
Lui envoyer une note montre au studio que nous supportons Sydney et que nous voulons la voir plus souvent à l'écran.

Sydney Penny
All My Children
ABC Studios
320 W 66th St
New York, NY 10023

Message posted in the Sydney Penny yahoogroup at

Writing to support Sydney is totally key! Dropping her a note shows the studio that we support Sydney and want to see more of her on screen

Sydney Penny
All My Children
ABC Studios
320 W 66th St
New York, NY 10023
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MessagePosté le: 02 Oct 2005 10:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sydney Penny a vendu sa résidence de Glendale pour la somme de $2.2 millions pour revenir habiter à New York.

Soap actress Sydney Penny sold her Glendale home for $2.2 million to move back to New York.,0,236955.story?coll=orl-shoppinghg-headlinesforthe

Soap star heads to New York

Actress Sydney Penny and her artist husband, Robert, have sold their home in the Los Angeles suburb of Glendale for $1.2 million and moved to New York so she can rejoin the cast of All My Children. Penny, 34, has appeared in the daytime drama for years, playing Julia Santos Keefer.

She and her husband extensively renovated the two-story, Prairie-style house, which has California eclectic influences and gardens reminiscent of the Prairie era. The four-bedroom, 2,100-square-foot house was built in 1923.
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MessagePosté le: 15 Déc 2005 03:00 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

FEATURE INTERVIEW: Sydney Penny (Julia in the All My Children t.v. soap)

-"I'm just really, really enjoying the show. It's just as I remember it, in terms of it being a very loving, supportive, genuinely lovely place to be. People who aren't that way, who aren't supportive of their castmates in a personal way and professional way, just don't seem to last very long at ALL MY CHILDREN."

-"I felt a bit confined the last time around, like I never got out of the studio and that 50 weeks out of the year, I was property of ABC. This probably sounds really strange, but how they've changed the taping schedule to let us have half the day to work and half the day to prepare for the next day, to do things we need to do in life...(she offers a list)...makes a huge, huge difference."

During Syd's first stint on AMC, her and several co-stars made a list (tongue-in-cheek) called "Rules For Women In Daytime", things such as: "If you start out interesting, you will become boring"..."If your character likes sex, she will be raped." She left the list behind when she left in 1996. So when Budig left, she finally got a permanent dressing room and she finally was reunited with the list! "It has to be like 12 years old...It'll be up there for another 12 years."

-Walt Willey? he "is like an older brother" to her.

-Thorsten? "Thorsten is at least a triple threat...He's very handsome, he's extremely intelligent and he's extremely caring and genuine. Altogether, he's a spectacular person."

-New AMC Pal? "Delish [Alicia Minshew, Kendall]. She is just flat-out fun."
-She "bitches" about being part of a "supercouple."
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MessagePosté le: 16 Déc 2005 12:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sydney Penny (Julia) Joins the Crowd
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MessagePosté le: 12 Jan 2006 04:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Voici le look de Sydney dans le générique du début du téléroman All My Children.

Here's Sydney's look in the generic at the begining of the All My Children t.v. soap.

Dernière édition par fio le 17 Jan 2006 02:06 am, édité 1 fois
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MessagePosté le: 14 Jan 2006 05:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Passion of Bernadette

Questions and answers with Sydney Penny

Dernière édition par fio le 13 Déc 2006 02:01 pm, édité 4 fois
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MessagePosté le: 28 Jan 2006 01:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


'All My Children' Actress Sydney Penny Stars in Film Detailing Little-Known Life of St. Bernadette of Lourdes During Her Convent Days

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 27 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Released for the first time in the U.S. exclusively by Ignatius Press, The Passion of Bernadette – starring American actress Sydney Penny of ABC’s All My Children daytime soap series – tells of the little-known life of St. Bernadette as a cloistered nun – after she received the famous apparitions of ‘the Lady in White’ at Lourdes in 1858. The Passion of Bernadette is a sequel to last year’s acclaimed Bernadette, also starring Penny.

St. Bernadette and the story of the Lourdes apparitions are still immensely popular, and are probably the most famous of all Marian apparitions. The Catholic Church celebrates St. Bernadette’s visions of the Blessed Virgin on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, each year on February 11.

As the first film to kick off a new “Ignatius Night At the Movies” series for parishes, shrines and colleges throughout the U.S., The Passion of Bernadette is being premiered at select Catholic venues nationwide the weekend of February 10 – 12.

This film tells the often-overlooked phase of St. Bernadette’s life as a nun, and traces her days after she entered the convent at Nevers, France until her death at age 35 in 1879. The Passion of Bernadette portrays how St. Bernadette achieved sanctity in the daily details of ordinary life. Because she found it very difficult to live in the town of Lourdes where she grew up – since it became famous almost overnight following her visions of the Blessed Virgin – Bernadette recoiled from the sudden attention thrust upon her. She longed to retire from that spotlight and live in quiet love and meditation of God.

But life in the convent was difficult for Bernadette. Her mother superior didn’t believe in Bernadette’s visions and resented her celebrity status. Despite her opposition to Bernadette in almost every way, in the end she is won over and softened to Bernadette’s innocence and honesty. Actress Sydney Penny says that ‘this is really how Bernadette affects people. She’s a symbol of maintaining integrity and honesty, and how it works on everyone. Honesty and truth are immutable.’

Ignatius Press marketing director Anthony Ryan says, “People will love this film, perhaps even more than the first one, because it presents the nitty, gritty, ordinary story of how St. Bernadette lived and achieved sanctity. Like we all have to do.”

Like its predecessor [Bernadette], The Passion of Bernadette is directed by one of France’s foremost filmmakers, Jean Delannoy. It was filmed in the actual convent where St. Bernadette lived in Nevers, France, and where her incorrupt body still lies in state. Delannoy tells the story of Bernadette – in both films – with the eye of a filmmaker, not as an advocate for the faith. Though Delannoy is a Protestant, as is Penny, his aim is to accurately tell St. Bernadette’s story – and he does it well. The film’s portrait of her faith is perhaps even more powerful.

Delannoy found St. Bernadette a gripping example for the modern world. “I am certain that the life and death of St. Bernadette will forever hold a profound significance for all people,” he says.

Penny grew to love St. Bernadette in playing her role in both films.

“The sisters at the convent in Nevers speak of Bernadette as if she were still among them,” says Penny, “and in a way, she is. Bernadette was buried and exhumed three times as part of the canonization process. Each time she was exhumed, she was exactly as she had been the last time … uncorrupted.” The decision was made to build a glass coffin and leave her lying in state in the sanctuary – where she is today.

“When I looked at her there, the actual face of someone who had died 150 years before, and I’m playing the part of her life,” recounts Penny, “it was amazing, surreal. I just don’t know how many people have ever had that opportunity.”

The Passion of Bernadette offers a deeper profile of who she was in terms of how she related to people everyday, says Penny. “Outside the ‘noise’ of her celebrity, you can really see what a passion she had for life … and the word ‘passion’ has a double sense – referring to the culmination of her life, and to what she loved in life, how she loved, and how she clung to life.”

Beautifully acted and filmed, the movie reveals the incessant illness and suffering that St. Bernadette endured – patiently, cheerfully, and at times, with great humor – throughout her life as a nun. She often repeated the prayer, ‘to suffer and offer it to God.’

When asked what the viewer would come away with after seeing The Passion of Bernadette, Penny replied, “She was always ready to give up her entire life, sort of both metaphorically and literally. She was an inspiration not because of what she had seen, or the celebrity she had become, but the way she approached things with humility and honesty. That’s really the person you get to see in this film,” says Penny. “It makes you feel like, hey, you know what, I can be like that, too.”

Hidden Places

"Hidden Places" is a Depression-era tale about a widowed mom and her two small kids trying to survive.

Sydney Penny plays the young mom, and Jason Gedrick is the homeless stranger about her age who wanders into their lives. The Hallmark formula also calls for filling movies with some older stars.

Shirley Jones, celebrating her 50th year in show business, plays the live-in aunt. Barry Corbin is the kindly sheriff who does everything he can to thwart the villainous banker trying to foreclose on the widow.

You know it's going to have a happily-ever-after ending, which is exactly what Hallmark viewers apparently want, since they've helped make it one of the fastest growing cable channels.
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MessagePosté le: 28 Jan 2006 11:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Romanticizing the Depression

Time and television have a way of making even our darkest days seem pretty. Take the Great Depression. The handsome made-for-TV production "Hidden Places" (9 p.m., Hallmark -- available on digital cable and satellite) may concern the hardscrabble plight of California orange farmers in the 1930s, but don't go looking for "The Grapes of Wrath."

Sydney Penny ("All My Children") stars as Eliza, a pretty if dour widow whose life goes from bad to worse with the heart attack death of her father-in-law, the stern family patriarch who harbored a long grudge against his spirited sister, Aunt Batty (Shirley Jones).

But just when things seem most grim, a mysterious vagabond, Gabe (Jason Gedrick), arrives on the outskirts of town. Within a few sun-drenched moments, Eliza and her small farm are touched by a guardian angel. If a predictable plot, stilted dialogue and an insipid score don't scare you off, then "Hidden Places" is as good a way as any to look back at the "good old days" of hunger, desperation and mass unemployment.
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MessagePosté le: 02 Fév 2006 01:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Tenue de bal pour Mardi Gras de Sydney dans le role de Julia que l'on verra bientôt dans le téléroman All My Children.

Sydney's Mardi Gras costume, in the role of Julia, from a future episode of the All My Children t.v. soap.
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MessagePosté le: 04 Fév 2006 01:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

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MessagePosté le: 08 Fév 2006 02:32 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

( Lien posté dans le yahoogroup Sydney Penny au / link posted in the Sydney Penny yahoogroup at: )

Photo Coverage: ABC Daytime Comes out for Broadway Cares

February 7, 2006 - by Linda Lenzi
Susan Lucci headlined the musical celebration featuring stars from ABC’s top rated daytime line up; “The View,” “All My Children,” “One Life to Live” and “General Hospital” as they performed on Broadway for one night to support Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights AIDS on February 6. The event was sponsored in part by ABC Daytime, The Walt Disney Company and SOAPnet.

ABC Daytime Salutes Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights AIDS marks the second benefit the network has produced with and in support of this organization. Last year, the cast of "All My Children" celebrated the show’'s 35th anniversary, raising $250,000. The event was be held at The New Amsterdam Theatre on 214 West 42nd Street, current home to the The Lion King

Walt Willey and Sydney Penny (AMC)
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MessagePosté le: 14 Fév 2006 12:23 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Photos de nouveaux épisodes du téléroman All My Children qui seront diffusés cette semaine.

Photos of new episodes that will be broadcasted this week on the All My Children t.v. soap.

De / From:

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MessagePosté le: 19 Fév 2006 03:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

(lien posté par / link posted by Colleen dans le/in the Sydney Penny yahoogroup)

Vous pouvez voir une très belle image des acteurs du téléroman All My Children (Sydney est dans la première rangée, robe avec les plumes). En dessous, vous trouverez les masques qui ont été portés récemment par les acteurs. 70% du montant de l'offre gagnante sera offert à l'American Red Cross disaster relief fund.

You can see a beautiful picture of the actors in the t.v. soap All My Children (Sydney is in the first row, dress with feathers). Right under you will find the masks that were worn recently by the actors. 70% of the winning bid will be donated to the American Red Cross disaster relief fund.
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MessagePosté le: 13 Déc 2006 01:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il y a maintenant un nouveau fan club officiel pour Sydney Penny. Vous pouvez devenir membre en remplissant le formulaire au

There is now a new official fan club for Sydney Penny. You can become a member by filling the form at
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MessagePosté le: 22 Déc 2006 02:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La star Sydney Penny du téléroman All My Children est enceinte.

Cette bonne nouvelle a été postée dans le yahoogroup de Sydney Penny ( par Martha. Félicitations à Sydney et son mari icon_smile.gif Je vous ai traduit l'article original, qui se trouve ci-dessous en anglais.

News: Article écrit par Daniel R. Coleridge.

Nouvelle alerte à la cigogne ! La superbelle star Sydney Penny (La garde-malade Julia Keefer du téléroman All My Children) est enceinte a appris

Penny et l'artiste Robert Powers, son mari depuis 11 ans, attendent l'arrivée de leur premier enfant au début de Juin 2007. C'est le premier enfant pour ce couple.

Un représentant du téléroman nous fait savoir que pour le téléroman All My Children, il n'a pas encore été décidé si la grossesse réelle de Penny sera incorporée dans l'histoire de Julia. Ca l'aurait du sens, parce que Julia a récemment été d'humeur maternelle. Juste l'autre jour, All My Children nous montrait une scène mettant en vedette Julia souhaitant un enfant comme voeux de Noel.

- 'J'ai l'impression qu'ils vont inclure ma grossesse dans l'histoire.' a dit Penny au 'Je suis hésitante à leur dire définitivement oui ou non avant que je ne l'aie actuellement vu dans le script. Ce serait certainement plus facile pour moi, car c'est très difficile de couvrir ca si la grossesse n'est pas incluse. Vous savez, vous traînez une valise et vous vous cachez derrière les meubles.'

Si Julia fini enceinte, le père de l'enfant sera probablement son bel ami Jamie Martin (Justin Bruening). 'Eh bien, je devine ca.' dit Penny en riant tout bas. 'Je ne suis pas au courant de d'autres affaires illicites, mais ca prend juste un flashback, n'est-ce pas ?'

Vous ne savez jamais avec All My Children. Comme discuté dans mon livre, Le Q Guide to Soap Operas, les téléroman du réseau télé ABC sont obsédés avec les histoires d'enfant concus de toutes sortes de manières bizarres.

-'C'est tellement vrai' dit Penny. 'Regardez Ryan Lavery (Cameron Mathison) qui était un donneur de sperme les années passées, et maintenant il a tout ces enfants qui flottent là-bas. Heureusement qu'il n'y a aucuns mystères qui entoure mon bébé. Je n'ai pas une vie très téléroman. Je suis très ennuyeuse. Mais je peux me plaindre, ca me va ! '

Alerte spoiler !

En attendant de voir si Julia deviens enceinte à l'écran, Penny nous fait savoir qu'il y a un nouvel enfant qui rentre dans la vie de son personnage.

-'Ils m'ont écrit des trucs charmants,' nous prévoit Penny. 'Les fêtes sont un moment intense pour Julia. Ses amis, Linda et Jim, ont un accident lors de leur trajet des fêtes de Noel vers Wildwind. Ils finnissent à l'hôpital. Julia découvre que ses amis vont la surprendre en lui faisant savoir qu'ils avaient un enfant. Malheureusement, les parents se détériorent et ne s'en sortent pas.

-'Je suis très contente avec la manière que All My Children a écrit cette histoire.' rajoute l'actrice. 'Julia hérite de s'occuper de l'enfant, mais elle pleure ses amis et se sent anxieuse qu'en souhaitant un enfant, elle aie amené l'accident à eux. C'est très complexe émotionnellement et en couches.'

This good news was posted in the Sydney Penny yahoogroup ( by Martha. Congratulations to Sydney and her husband icon_smile.gif

Soaps News
by Daniel R. Coleridge

All My Children Star Sydney Penny is Pregnant

Stork scoop alert! Supercute soap star Sydney Penny (Nurse Julia Santos Keefer, All My Children) is pregnant, has learned.

Penny and artist Robert Powers, her husband of 11 years, are expecting their baby's arrival in early June 2007. This is the couple's first child.

A show rep says AMC has not yet decided whether to write Penny's real-life pregnancy into Julia's storyline. It would certainly make sense, since Julia has been in a very maternal mood lately. Just the other day, AMC featured a scene where Julia made a Christmas wish for a child.

"I have a feeling that they're going to write my pregnancy in," Penny tells "I'm hesitant to definitely say yes or no until I actually see it in a script. That certainly would make it easier for me, because it's so hard to cover it up if you're not going to play the pregnancy. You know, you're carrying luggage and hiding behind furniture."

If Julia does end up preggers, the kid's father would most likely be her hunky on-again, off-again boyfriend, Jamie Martin (Justin Bruening). "Well, I'm guessing that," Penny chuckles. "I'm not aware of any other illicit affairs, but it only takes one flashback, right?"

You never know with All My Children. As I discuss in my book, The Q Guide to Soap Operas, the ABC sudser is obsessed with tales of Children conceived in all sorts of weird ways.

"That's so true!" Penny agrees. "Look at Ryan Lavery (Cameron Mathison), who was a sperm donor years ago, and now he's got all these kids floating around out there. Happily, there's no mystery surrounding my baby at all. I don't have a very soap-opera life. I'm pretty boring. But I can't complain, I'm fine with that!"

Story spoiler alert!

While we're waiting to see if Julia gets preggers on-screen, Penny says that there is a new child coming into her character's life.

"They have written me some lovely stuff," Penny previews. "The holidays are an intense time for Julia. Her friends, Linda and Jim, have an accident on the way to the Christmas celebration at Wildwind. They end up in the hospital. Julia discovers that her friends were going to surprise her by telling her that they've had a child. Unfortunately, the parents deteriorate and they don't recover.

"I'm so pleased with how AMC wrote this story," the actress adds. "Julia gets a child to take care of, but she's mourning her friends and feeling anxiety that by wishing for a kid, she somehow brought this accident on them. It's very emotionally complex and layered."
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MessagePosté le: 06 Jan 2007 03:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Third Annual "ABC Daytime Salutes Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids" Benefit

When: Sunday, February 25, 2007

Where: Town Hall in New York City at 7:30 p.m.

How: Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available by visiting

Sydney Penny will be there.
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MessagePosté le: 17 Jan 2007 03:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Penny for Her Thoughts

By Erica Brown

ALL MY CHILDREN's Sydney Penny has many reasons to be excited about 2007. Not only is Julia in a fresh, new story surrounding little Kathy, but the actress and her husband, Robert Powers, are expecting their first child together in June.

Soap Opera Weekly: I really like Julia, Jamie, Amanda, Di, Aidan, Del and now Kathy all living together at Wildwind.

Sydney Penny: I do, too! Pretty much everyone at Wildwind is helping to raise Kathy right now. I love that group of people. We always have such a good time working together.

Weekly: It's funny how so many of the characters have slept together. I wonder what they talk about over breakfast?

Penny: Hey, believe it or not, as much as Julia was tarting around there for a while, she's only been with one person there!

Weekly: Obviously Jamie. But what about Del? Didn't they get together back when Winsor Harmon (now Thorne, THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL) was playing the role?

Penny: No. Back in the day Julia had a crush on Del, but Del was having none of it. Those were different times (laughs). It's kind of like when there's been somebody you had a huge crush on and then you see what they're really like and you go, "Oh, my God! What could I have been thinking?" Del is like a little brother now.

Weekly: It must be fun getting the chance to work with so many new actors you probably wouldn't have.

Penny: It is. And I've been very lucky playing a nurse, because everyone in Pine Valley either gets poisoned or bonked on the head. They all have to come and see me, so it's given me a chance to work with some people I never normally would have, like David Canary (Adam/Stuart), James Mitchell (Palmer) and of course, Ray MacDonnell (Joe). I got to work with Julia Barr (ex-Brooke) because she's Jamie's mother, which was delightful. It's funny because I always thought Julia and Brooke would have a lot in common. I was hoping to see a resolution there. I thought it would be fun to put them together and team up against Jamie, but I don't think we're going to get to do that. I get to work more with Mikey Knight (Tad) coming up.

Weekly: Is there anyone you haven't worked with by now?

Penny: Cady (McClain, Dixie) and I were just talking about how we've never gotten to work together hardly at all. I haven't worked with Susan (Lucci) a lot, either. Erica/Julia scenes would be fun, very similar to what they do with Julia and Kendall. Although I haven't gotten to work with Lish (Alicia Minshew, Kendall) in quite a while.

Weekly: I miss the rivalry between Kendall and Julia. So many fun fights.

Penny: I know! But she always wins because she has that sharp wit and sharp tongue. Julia is usually like, "Ahhh..."

Weekly: Who would win in a catfight? Julia does have that Witness Protection experience now.

Penny: Oh, I'll tell you right now, Julia could take her. No problem. But don't underestimate Kendall. She fights dirty. She goes right for the eyes and hair.

Weekly: How is it different the second time around on AMC?

Penny: It's really an entirely different show now, just as the medium is entirely different. For me, it's nice playing a character that is a little bit older. I'm not in the 20-something crowd, so it's different storylines and looking at things in different ways. It's challenging to me because it's new territory. You tend to have the same things again and again for a while, and then you find yourself playing opposite different people in different situations, and there's something new happening. That feels really invigorating. The show has always had a lovely sense of family and community. It's always felt like that to me, and this particular mix of people who are on the show right now are all wonderful. There is not anyone I don't look forward to seeing every day and couldn't spend an hour talking to.

Weekly: Would you like to see Jamie and Julia have a baby?

Penny: That's a difficult question because no one in Pine Valley seems to stay together very long. So almost in answering that, you're assuming that there will somehow be an end to their relationship and, in a way, it's a sad thought. It's interesting because it would be an amazing fulfillment for Julia — her deepest wish ever. It'd be interesting for Jamie as a young man to have that experience and see how he would react to it. I don't know how he would react.

Weekly: I can see Julia being ready for motherhood, but I just don't know about Jamie.

Penny: And Julia's always had those doubts because she's lived more and lived a very difficult life, at that, knowing how things can change. It doesn't mean she's cynical or jaded, but definitely pragmatic. I think Jamie still has stars in his eyes to a certain agree, so he'd be inclined to say, "Oh, everything's rosy." It could cause a great deal of friction between them. It's fun to have relationships that just roll along, but I also think it's very important to explore the differences between people. That is a major difference between the two of them.

Weekly: On another note, I'm a huge baseball nut and I hear you are, too. Is this true?

Penny: Did you see Fever Pitch? It's not quite that bad, but you know... (laughs). Baseball has always been my heart. I grew up watching the Dodgers, so they'll always have a special place, and then there are many other teams I enjoy. I read books about baseball. I've very passionate about it. I read a wonderful book called Baseball and Philosophy (edited by Eric Bronson). It shows how our whole national psyche has developed pretty much along the same lines as the game of baseball itself. As baseball has confronted certain issues, so has America. Baseball has dealt with issues just as we were ready to deal with them as a larger society, like integration, drug use, labor issues, union issues, all these things. It's a beautiful sport, and I'm surprised that more women aren't drawn to it.


(Link posted by Colleen in the Sydney Penny yahoogroup)
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MessagePosté le: 25 Fév 2007 05:46 pm    Sujet du message: Youtube Répondre en citant

Hey...Ca fait longtemps mais j'ai qq chose à apporter icon_razz.gif de nouvelles vidéos de Sydney Penny ont été ajoutées sur Youtube et ce sont des interviews, voilà le lien direct pour l'une d'entre elles, sinon il suffit de taper Sydney Penny dans le moteur de recherche et elles s'affichent directement...Enjoy!
"Keep your friends close and your ennemies closer"
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MessagePosté le: 26 Fév 2007 04:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merci Xuan, je ne l'avais pas vu celle-là icon_smile.gif

La plupart de vidéo sur Youtube j'essaie de les mettre ici . Si jamais y en a d'autres qui ne sont pas dans la liste, n'hésite pas à les poster.
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MessagePosté le: 12 Juin 2007 01:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

'Congratulations are in order for Sydney Penny (Julia, AMC). Sydney’s official website reports that she and her husband welcomed their first child, a boy Chasen August Powers, on May 31, 2007. Mom and Baby are both doing well, and Sydney expects to return to work sometime in July.'
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MessagePosté le: 14 Juin 2007 01:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

It's a Boy for All My Children's Sydney Penny

June 13, 2007

All My Children fan favorite Sydney Penny gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Thursday, May 31st. This is the first child for Penny and her husband, producer Robert Powers. Weighing in at 7 pounds and measuring up to 19 inches, the baby has been given the name Chasen August.

Although the daytime soap decided not to write Penny’s pregnancy into the story, avid followers of the show did not miss the 35-year-old’s growing belly. There is, however, an upcoming episode wherein Penny’s character, Julia Santos Keefer, dreams that she is carrying the child of her lover, Jamie Martin, played by Justin Bruening. Julia has gotten pregnant in the past (she was raped by Louie Greco), but she decided to terminate the pregnancy, to the great disapproval of her devout Roman Catholic Mexican-American family.

Penny, a native of Chatsworth, California, first appeared in All My Children in 1993. She spent three years with the show as a regular, but only appeared as a guest star in 1997 and 2002. She was brought back as a main character in 2005.

Not a stranger to other popular drama series, Penny has also given life to characters on The Bold and the Beautiful (where she played Samantha Kelly from 2003-2005), Santa Barbara (where she played B.J Walker Lockridge from 1992-1993) and Sunset Beach (where she played Meg Cummings in 1999).

Her other acting credits include Hyperion Bay, The Thorn Birds, The New Gidget, TJ Hooker, Pale Rider and Bernadette: Her Vision Became a Legend. She also lent her voice to the Peanuts character Lucy Van Pelt in the 1981 animation It’s Magic, Charlie Brown.

Because Sydney is currently on maternity leave, Julia is expected to make a temporary absence in All My Children as well. According to, the absence will be written as a visit to the extended Santos family, wherein Julia brings along her adopted daughter, Kathy. Julia’s last appearance will be on June 18th, but she is expected to return in the late summer or early fall.

-Lisa Claustro, BuddyTV Staff Columnist

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MessagePosté le: 27 Aoû 2007 02:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sydney Penny est enfin de retour à la télévision après avoir pris son congé de maternité et vous pourrez la voir cette semaine dans le téléroman All My Children dans le rôle de Julia. icon_smile.gif

Sydney Penny is finally back on television after having taken her maternity leave and you can see her this week on the All My Children t.v. soap in the role of Julia. icon_smile.gif
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