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### Community fic # 6 ###
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
Messages: 3174
Localisation: Partout / Everywhere
MessagePosté le: 27 Juin 2003 06:46 pm    Sujet du message: Community fic # 6 Répondre en citant

Started by ami on the and continuing here.

Authors: ami, fio, Jessica

I could see him looking at me in a way that frightened me. Stop please stop....his eyes were on me like a hawk to its prey. I had to get out of there. Why couldn't I move. This was scaring me. He was taking steps closer to me. 10ft....9..8..7..6..I had to run. Run! Come on! You're an ex-CIA officer. Panic isn't suppose to sink in. Why wasn't I doing anything!!!!

I knew i saw him somewhere before but i could not remember in which city. Yet.

He always had that power on me and knew everything i thought before i had time to say a word. I had erased him from my memory because last time he did not agree on my way of life. I sensed a deep regret last time when i saw him turning his back on me and i guess, erasing him from my memory was the easiest solution back then.

Now, i cannot run, even though i feel like it. He is coming towards me and looks puzzled by the look on my face. He still looks as cute as the day i saw him for the first time in that restaurant.

-"Hello Joy" i hear him say as he is aproaching dangerously close to me...

-"Matthew," I reply stiffly, "What are you doing here?"

-"Can't I see an old friend?"

Before I could answer, I heard Largo shout, "Joy! Hurry up, we have to be on the flight to Paris in two hours. We have to pick Simon from the hospital."

-"Coming! Sorry Matthew I have to go now." I replied, relieved that I can get away from him.

-"But Joy..."

He had quickly grabbed my arm and gently pulled me a little closer now.

-"Don't tell me, Joy, that you are going to run away from me again, are you?."

I did not know what to tell him. Here was a guy i still had feelings of fear, admiration and a little excitement in his presence. He was there, with his deep blue eyes looking at me and waiting for an answer I coudn't give.

Seeing that i was too uneasy to respond, he released my arm and took a business card from his dark suit's pocket.

-"Promise me Joy, that we will meet again." he said. "Here is my business card."

-"I'm sorry Matthew." I replied. "I don't make promises i might not keep."

As I turned away i heard him say in my back: "We'll meet again Joy, I can promise you that..."

I quickly ran back to Largo to catch the plane, feeling a little deceived to leave Matthew, and happy at the same time that I did not have to reveal him the truth... It would be nice to hear Simon's voice again after his long surgery, i thought as i gave Largo my heavy suitcase...

Largo caught a look of my face, when he reached for my suitcase, "Are you alright?"

I replied shakily, "Yeah, just bumped into an ex-flame."

-"Are you sure?" he asked suspiciously.


-"Hey, Matt !" i heard Simon saying as he saw Matthew. He got up from the hospital bed and quickly hugged Matthew. Simon looked very happy to see him.

-"So, Simon," replied Matthew. "you sure look good for a patient who spent a couple of weeks in a hospital."

-"Sure am." said Simon.

Seeing me looking at them, Simon told him:

-"Matt, let me introduce you to Joy. She's my boss's bodyguard and a very good friend of mine."

Matthew turned around and came towards me, taking my hand and said:

-"So, we meet again beautiful Joy."

He then kissed my hand with his warm lips and gently let it go. Simon was surprised. I heard him say:

-"You two know each other?"

Now i was stuck to give him an answer. I simply told him half of the truth:

-"Yes, he was working for the CIA when I met him for the first time. How did YOU happen to know him Simon?"

Simon did not see that Matthew was a bit embarassed and replied:

-"Oh ? Matt? he's been Vanessa's boyfriend for a while and came to give me a fresh set of clothes. Vanessa couldn't come. You know how she feels about hospitals."

Vanessa's boyfriend ? i thought. What was she doing with a CIA agent ? I think it's about time that Kerensky does a little check up...
Just then, Largo came in.

When we got to Simon's room, I greeted Simon with a hug and said "How's it going?"

Before Simon could answer, I heard a sound, I turned around and it was Matthew. I paled instantly.

Largo looked strangely confused as he waltzed in all dressed in a slick black suit.

-"That was just Vanessa she says" looking at Matt "that she'll be down in two days."

-"That's good to know" matt answered still looking deeply into Joy's eyes.

-"Hey, Largo. Did you know that Matt and Joy know each other. It totally surprised me."

-"How's that?" Looking from joy to Matt.

-"I don't know. why don't we ask Joy herself?"

-"Well," Simon sat pondering his question.


-"I was hired by her father to train her as a CIA agent." said Matt, seeing that i was feeling embarrassed. I was sure that he too, didn't want them to know all those embarrassing details...

-"I see." said Largo amused, looking at me in a suspicious way. "The limo is ready by the way." he added.

-"Ok, let's go!" said Simon joyfully, eager to leave this place and take a breath of fresh air. "I heard that the Parisian girls are pretty.'' he added.

-"As a matter of fact," said Largo, "i have some business to take care of
at the Ministère de la Défense. Maybe you can all enjoy the city while I'm busy."

Joy looked at Largo surprised.

-"What are you going there for?" she asked.

-" To pick up a trophy." said Largo. "Remember last year when our searchers conceived their radar's project for the new submarines?"

-"Vaguely." said Joy.

-"Well, they won this year's award from the DGA for the best performance, and quality for the conception of their idea."

They hadn't notice while talking that Matthew was now following their conversation with the greatest interrest...If they only knew...

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From the Largo Winch TV series, adaptated from the comics by J. Van Hamme and P. Francq © Dupuis Films/M6/TVA/AT, 2002
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