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### site very slow ###
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 07 Aoû 2003 01:07 am    Sujet du message: site very slow Répondre en citant

For me, the site seems very slow - it takes a very long time to load, and also it is slow when I am trying to type responses. With the old ze-largo-winch-site, I never had problems, but with this new site, it is not as good.

Is it just that the server is slower? Or is there more information that is needed to load for this newer forum?

I am wondering if maybe taking out the news-bar at the top (the one that announces advertisements, and airings of LW, etc.) would speed things up a bit?

Many thanks - Merci beaucoup icon_smile.gif
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Genre: Genre:Mâle
Inscrit le: 05 Mar 2003
Messages: 114
Localisation: Behind my screen ;)
MessagePosté le: 08 Aoû 2003 07:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Alyssa,

You're right... The site is a bit slow.

I'm actually trying to push my host to add a few more ADSLs but, for the moment, they don't seem to agree icon_sad.gif

The site may also be slower because your computer is not very powerful (Again : The more graphics, the more lag...).

To speed up a bit, you can try not to surf here when you've many windows opened at the same time. Try also to free a bit your RAM memory (close applications...).
Bottom line is, even if you see them coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So, what are we, helpless? Puppets? Nah. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are.
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 13 Aoû 2003 05:48 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Baron_FEL,
I hope that you can convince the host to have more ADSLs - good luck! icon_smile.gif

Also I was wondering about the clock that runs along the right side of the forum - is it necessary?'s just that it seems no matter what I do, this site is very slow for me. I wonder if it is because I am on a Mac, and not a PC....
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Genre: Genre:Mâle
Inscrit le: 05 Mar 2003
Messages: 114
Localisation: Behind my screen ;)
MessagePosté le: 14 Aoû 2003 07:32 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I don't think the clock has much to do with this issue. It should just add a couple of seconds to load the page.

If you really want to remove it, I can make a poll to see what the others think and (if they agree) do it.
Bottom line is, even if you see them coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So, what are we, helpless? Puppets? Nah. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are.
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 14 Aoû 2003 04:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I'm just trying to think of what might be slowing things down icon_smile.gif
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
Messages: 3181
Localisation: Partout / Everywhere
MessagePosté le: 14 Aoû 2003 06:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Alyssa,

How about checking if you have lots of spywares in your computer ?

Try this Ad-aware program:

I don't know if they have something similar for MAC
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 14 Aoû 2003 07:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thanks Fio icon_smile.gif That's a good idea!

I was on this site yesterday from a PC, and it seemed to work just fine (not slow or anything.) So I am starting to suspect that it is my computer that is having some sort of problem. icon_redface.gif icon_cry.gif
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From the Largo Winch TV series, adaptated from the comics by J. Van Hamme and P. Francq © Dupuis Films/M6/TVA/AT, 2002
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