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### Cast Photo - Updated! (25 sept 2003) ###
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 23 Sep 2003 12:24 am    Sujet du message: Cast Photo - Updated! (25 sept 2003) Répondre en citant

Here is a photo of the cast which I scanned from a publicity slide. I also have photos of each cast member on slides, so if you would like me to scan those for you, please just ask icon_smile.gif There are 2 each for Paolo and Sydney, and 1 each for Diego, Geordie, and SErge.

And also, here is the slide of Geordie - (for a larger version, click here: http:/ )


Dernière édition par Alyssa le 26 Sep 2003 03:38 am, édité 1 fois
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
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MessagePosté le: 23 Sep 2003 12:44 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

WOW.....thanks a million Alyssa. It's the cutest one i ever saw and Kerensky is on it too !

I surely would love to see the Diego and Sydney one if you don't mind.
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 23 Sep 2003 02:10 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Fio,
The Diego one is the same as what is on my site in the LW section already... but I can scan it for you perhaps on Friday - along with the 2 of Sydney. icon_smile.gif

I love this cast photo - also I had never seen it before. icon_smile.gif
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Office Worker
Office Worker
Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 22 Juin 2003
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Localisation: France
MessagePosté le: 24 Sep 2003 11:08 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

En plus, c'est l'une des rares photos ou on vit Kerensky en entier icon_biggrin.gif (ce qui résoud un problème qui me tourmentait icon_eek.gif : quelles chaussures porte-t-il? D'ailleurs, à ce propos, elles sont plutot moches, je trouve, mais bon, affaire de gouts... icon_wink.gif En fait les seules que j'aime bien, c'est celles de Simon et de Joy... icon_confused.gif )
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 26 Sep 2003 03:40 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I don't mind his shoes - they sort of suit the role, I think.
I am glad to see a full-length photo though, as usually all we see is his head and shoulders as he is on the computer! icon_lol.gif
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 30 Sep 2003 05:09 am    Sujet du message: Diego and Sydney Répondre en citant

Here are the slides of Diego and Sydney...

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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
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MessagePosté le: 30 Sep 2003 04:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thanks a lot Alyssa,

They are very beautiful and it's very generous of you to share them with the rest of the fans. icon_biggrin.gif
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 30 Sep 2003 04:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I'm happy to share - especially when I know it will be appreciated icon_smile.gif

Also, since I paid about $35US for them, I should share them around, as they sure were expensive! icon_lol.gif

If I get some time, on Friday perhaps I will scan the photos of Paolo and Serge.
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Office Worker
Office Worker
Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 22 Juin 2003
Messages: 171
Localisation: France
MessagePosté le: 30 Sep 2003 07:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thanks!!! icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
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Localisation: Partout / Everywhere
MessagePosté le: 06 Oct 2005 01:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

D'un site web russe - From a russian web site

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